Monday, June 22, 2009


We have had a lot of "lasts" lately because of moving out of our house. We've had Ty's last tball game, in which the other team did not show up so we just practiced on the field. Ty and Jeff had their last mowing time together, in Vancouver we will be downtown and in an apartment, so no mowing there! And then we also said "goodbye" to our house.
Ty's TBall team THE PIRATES

Ty and his teammates running the bases since the other team was a no show!

Fielding Balls with his team.

Emma saying goodbye to her room.
Our living room the night we all said goodbye.

The Final mowing day.

Mowing for the last time.

1 comment:

Angie Wyatt said...

This was so sad!!! I guess you could say bittersweet!! :0(