Saturday, January 1, 2011

Letters To Santa!

Jeff and I always try to pick a week night before December to go see Santa at the Mall. We do not want to stand in line with hundreds of others so we opt for a weeknight. When we were in Mississippi we always did it the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. However, being in Canada now, and Thanksgiving being different we did it the first week of December. I'm thankful to say no one was there besides us!! Before we left the house we had the kids write their letters to Santa. Then we headed out. I love being the only ones there to see him b/c he takes alot more time with each kid. The kids had a great time telling him what they wanted (Emma knows now that we are actually Santa) and Ty will instantly tell you that the mall Santa is NOT the real Santa, just a helper :), however they both love the tradition :)
Ty writing his letter.

Emma writing hers.

Santa reading Ty's letter.

Santa reading Emma's.

Merry Christmas 2010!!

1 comment:

Belinda said...

That may just be Santa's helper, but he looks just like the Big Guy, doesn't he? Sweet pics.